Improving Wine Quality by Managing Ph and Trace Metals: an Alternative for Oxidation Delay and Reducing the use of Sulfites.

Objetivo general

Objetivos específicos

1.- To evaluate the effects of pH on glutathione and sulfite loss during wine oxidation. 2.- To study the effects of wine pH on the formation and stability of selected lowmolecular weighty anthocyanin-derived pigments. 3.- Evaluate the effects of pH and trace metal ions content on the wine's antioxidant capacity and the presence of ethyl radicals. 4.- Assess the feasibility of using cation exchange resins treatments for sulfite reduction and improved oxidative stability in wines. 5.- To survey and correlate the chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of wines from different grape growing areas of the country. 6.- Evaluate the effects of production-scale cation exchange treatments on: 6.1.- The chemical composition of the treated wines. 6.2.- The oxidative stability and sensorial quality of the treated wines.



Código: 1150725

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 15/03/2015

Fecha término: 15/03/2018




Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)

Año: 2015

Ejecutor: Universidad de Talca

Coordinador principal: Laurie Gleisner, Victor Felipe

Asociado(s): Viña Santa Carolina S.A. - College of Agricultural Sciences , Pennsylvania State University - Universidad de Chile

Región(es): Maule

Temas: Calidad - Tecnología de los alimentos

Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Alimento / Vino / Viñas y vides

Especie(s): Vid vinífera

Estado: Terminado

Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT

Otra Información de Interés: URL


2023 / Calidad - Infraestructura - Manejo productivo - Sustentabilidad

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