Multi-Objective Optimization in Food Processing: Osmotic Dehydration Process Through Ohmic Heating

Objetivo general

To determine the optimum parameters of the process of osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating for delicate texture fruits by applying multiobjective optimization.

Objetivos específicos

1.- Develop a full experimental study in osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating to apples. 2.- Develop a full experimental study in osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating to strawberries. 3.- Developed a mathematical model (multi-regression model) for the selected fruits processed under osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating. 4.- Validate the multiregression model. 5.- Apply multi-objective optimization to search for the optimum conditions of osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating. 6.- An exploratory study to investigate the behavior of salmon (aw, color, firmness and microstructure) under the process of osmotic dehydration through ohmic heating.



Código: 1090628

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 15/03/2009

Fecha término: 15/03/2012




Otra Información de Interés:


2023 / Tecnología de los alimentos

Khoshpy: El despertar de los sentidos

2023 / Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) y Pequeña agricultura - Agroecología - Cambio climático - Conservación de la biodiversidad - Desarrollo rural - Patrimonio agroalimentario - Pueblos originarios - Seguridad Alimentaria - Variedades / ecotipos / razas

Gira técnica de innovación en resguardo y propagación de especies y cultivos de uso tradicional para comunidades de pueblos originarios de la zona Norte de Chile