To determine the optimum parameters of the process of osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating for delicate texture fruits by applying multiobjective optimization.
1.- Develop a full experimental study in osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating to apples. 2.- Develop a full experimental study in osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating to strawberries. 3.- Developed a mathematical model (multi-regression model) for the selected fruits processed under osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating. 4.- Validate the multiregression model. 5.- Apply multi-objective optimization to search for the optimum conditions of osmotic dehydration coupled with ohmic heating. 6.- An exploratory study to investigate the behavior of salmon (aw, color, firmness and microstructure) under the process of osmotic dehydration through ohmic heating.
Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos
Fecha inicio: 15/03/2009
Fecha término: 15/03/2012
Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)
Año: 2009
Ejecutor: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Coordinador principal: Simpson Rivera, Ricardo
Asociado(s): Universidad de Ohio - Universidad del Bío Bío
Región(es): Valparaíso
Temas: Tecnología de los alimentos
Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Alimento / General para Sector Alimento / General para Subsector General
Especie(s): General para rubro General para Subsector Acuícola
Estado: Finiquitado
Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT