Influence of Latitude, Agronomic Practices and Variety of Crops on the Evolution of Flavor Responsible Compounds (Volatiles and Phenols Compounds) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Objetivo general

Study the influence of latitude, agronomic practices and variety, on the evolution of flavor responsible compounds (volatiles and phenols compounds) of extra virgin olive oil

Objetivos específicos

1.- Determine the variety effect on the evolution of the volatiles and phenols compounds in extra virgin olive oil. 2.- Define harvest sites according to fat yield and flavor potential of each variety. 3.- Determine the climatic and agronomical effect on volatiles and phenols compounds in extra virgin olive oils of ?Arbequina?, ?Arbusana? and ?Koroneiki? varieties from the Coquimbo and el Maule Regions.



Código: 1120298

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 15/03/2012

Fecha término: 15/03/2015




Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)

Año: 2012

Ejecutor: Universidad de Chile

Coordinador principal: Romero Palacios, Nalda Marcela

Región(es): Metropolitana

Temas: Manejo productivo - Tecnología de los alimentos - Variedades / ecotipos / razas

Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Alimento / Aceites vegetales / Olivos

Especie(s): Olivo

Estado: Finiquitado

Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT

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