Identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in emamectin benzoate and pyrethroids resistance in Salmonid Caligus Infestations

Objetivo general

To identify and characterize the mechanisms of biotransformation and drug resistance present in salmonids and in Caligus rogercresseyi, which are involved in the loss of sensitivity of this parasite to the antiparasitic drugs used in Chile for its control.

Objetivos específicos

1.- Determinate the presence (expression and enzymatic activity levels) of the Multidrug Resistance Proteins Pgp, Mrp1, MRP2 and MRP3 in caligus and tissues from Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. 2.- Determinate the presence (expression and enzymatic activity levels) of the Cytochrome P450 CYP1A, CYP2, CYP3A, esterases, FMOs and GSTs enzymes in caligus. 3.- Determinate the impact of Emamectin treatment on MDR protein activity and expression levels in caligus and tissues from Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. 4.- Determinate the impact of Deltamethrin treatment on expression and activity levels on MDR proteins and the Cytochrome P-450 enzymes in caligus.



Código: 1090422

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 01/03/2009

Fecha término: 31/03/2012




Otra Información de Interés:


2024 / Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) y Pequeña agricultura - Agricultura orgánica / producto orgánico - Manejo productivo - Manejo sustentable y uso eficiente de recursos naturales y cuencas - Postcosecha - Recursos genéticos

Tecnologías modernas de manejo en pre y postcosecha en huertos de maqui para optimizar el volumen y la calidad de la fruta acorde a los requerimientos de la agroindustria