Development of an Integrative Strategy for the Genetic Improvement of the Resistance Against Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome (Piscirickettsia Salmonis) in Salmonid Species Using Molecular Information

Objetivo general

To develop an integrative strategy for the genetic improvement of the resistance against Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome (Piscirickettsia salmonis) in salmonid species using molecular information

Objetivos específicos

1.- To compare the accuracy of genetic predictions when incorporating different densities of molecular information in genomic selection (GS) models for the genetic evaluation of resistance against SRS in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. 2.- To identify de novo DNA variants (SNPs) associated to resistance against SRS in the coho salmon genome using next-generation sequencing approaches coupled with a strategy to trace individual genotypes. 3.- To identify candidate genomic regions or genes involved in SRS resistance in common for Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and coho salmon using a comparative genomic approach. 4.- To develop a DNA-based genetic profiling test (SRS-SNPlex) for assessing levels of the genetic potential of selection candidates, in terms of resistance against SRS, applicable across the three species: Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and coho salmon.



Código: AF10I1383

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 01/07/2015

Fecha término: 30/06/2017




Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)

Año: 2014

Ejecutor: Universidad de Chile

Coordinador principal: Yañez López, José Manuel

Asociado(s): Aquainnovo S.A. - Aquainnovo S.A.

Región(es): Metropolitana

Temas: Biotecnología - Mejoramiento genético animal - Sanidad animal

Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Acuícola / Peces / Peces de agua de mar

Especie(s): Salmón - Salmón coho

Estado: Finiquitado

Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDEF

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