To test the consistency, suitability and applicability of several indicators and criteria (i.e. stream-aquifer configuration, water chemical data, and water stable and radioactive environmental isotopes) used to perform, based on independent but correlated lines of evidence, a catchment's scale, surface water-groundwater connectivity assessment for the Limarí basin (Grande and Limarí rivers).
1.- To spatially characterize the type and degree of surface water-groundwater interaction in the studied rivers. 2.- To establish the consistency of the individual tracers to identify stream reaches with active surface watergroundwater interaction. 3.- To quantify the proportion of water transferred from groundwater to surface water bodies. 4.- To establish the general suitability of the proposed approach, for the study of surface water-groundwater interactions under the conditions of the north-central Chile basins.
Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos
Fecha inicio: 01/10/2010
Fecha término: 30/09/2013
Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)
Año: 2010
Ejecutor: Universidad de La Serena
Coordinador principal: Oyarzún Lucero, Ricardo Andrés
Región(es): Coquimbo
Temas: Recursos hídricos
Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Agrícola / General para Sector Agrícola / General para Subsector Agrícola
Especie(s): General para rubro General para Subsector Agrícola
Estado: Finiquitado
Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT