Novel Biotech Process To Produce Complex Recombinant Proteins In Goat S Mammary Gland

Objetivo general

Developing Of a Novel Biotechnological Process For The Production Of Complex Recombinant Proteins In The Milk Of GoatS Transgenic Mammary Gland.

Objetivos específicos


Currently Around 70% Of All Biopharmaceutical Available In the Market Are Based In Proteins Whose Biological Activity Or Antigenic Structure is Dependent Upon Complex Post-translational Changes That Can Be Performed Only In Animal Cells. For That Reason These Proteins Are Produced In Artificial Cultures Of Mammalian Cells. However Producing Proteins In Mammalian Cells In Culture is Technically Challenging Costly And Inefficient Thus Generating High Prices For Biopharmaceutical Produced In This Way. Our Proposal It is a Novel Biotechnological Approach To Produce Complex Recombinant Proteins. Innovation Resides In a New Process To Produce Recombinant Protein In Goat~s Transgenic Mammary Gland. The Added Value Of This Process is the Lower Investment Cost And Also Lower Retail Price Of the Final Product. The Lower Retail Price is Due To Impre


Código: 12GTM-17018

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 11/10/2012

Fecha término: 31/12/2013




Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)

Año: 2012

Ejecutor: Universidad de Concepción

Coordinador principal: Toledo Alonso, Jorge Roberto

Región(es): Bío Bío

Temas: Biotecnología

Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Pecuario / Caprinos / Caprinos de leche

Especie(s): Caprino para leche

Estado: Finiquitado

Fuente de financiamiento: CORFO / INNOVA_CHILE

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