Vaccimed, Biotechnological Solutions For The Veterinary Market, Mammalian Immunocastration Vaccines

Objetivo general

To get tools for the entrepreneurial team part that permits us to build the capacity for commercialization of technologies in development.

Objetivos específicos


Vaccimed S.A. is the first spin-off of the Universidad de Chile and is a biotechnological veterinarian company created in 2010. This company represents an exclusive licensee of intellectual property rights over a technology which focuses on the development of mammalian immune castration vaccines. Vaccimed S.A. is composed of five shareholders four of whom are professors at the Faculty of veterinary and animal sciences at the Universidad de Chile and the fifth is the technology management company: Innpulso ltda. nowadays vaccimed is focused on the search for potential investors who might be interested in investing in our company and is looking for potential sub-licensees of the technologies under development.


Código: 11GTM-11160

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 27/07/2011

Fecha término: 07/06/2012




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