The Land use Change and Drainage of a Ñadi Soil (Aquands) in Southern Chile: Effects on Soil Structure Dependent Properties, Related Pore Functions, Chemical Properties and Ghg Emissions

Objetivo general

To evaluate the impact of the land use change and drainage of a Ñadi soil in water table height and its consequences on soil physical and chemical properties as well as on greenhouse gas emissions.

Objetivos específicos

1.- To evaluate the effect of land use change on temporal and spatial changes in water table height and its consequences in the soil volumetric water content, water tension, temperature and GHG. 2.- To evaluate the soil structure dynamics and chemical properties of drained and non-drained Ñadi soils that occurs as a result of natural W/D cycles. 3.- To assess impact of drainage on soil pore functions. 4.- To assess volumetric and functional resilience after subjecting soil to mechanical and hydraulic stresses under laboratory conditions. 5.- To evaluate emissions of GHG (CO2, N20, CH4) and its relationship with the activity of soil microorganisms as a consequence of changing chemical and physical properties of Ñadi soil during W/D cycles. 6.- To evaluate impact of a controlled drainage on soil water conservation, soilair composition, pasture productivity and soil functions.



Código: 1130546

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 15/03/2013

Fecha término: 15/03/2017




Otra Información de Interés:


2023 / Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) y Pequeña agricultura - Agricultura orgánica / producto orgánico - Agroecología - Bioinsumos - Cambio climático - Suelos y fertilidad

Bioactivador y Retenedor de Humedad en Base de Lana Ovina y Algas del Territorio SIPAM