Quantifying the Impacts of Pinus Contorta Invasion on the Micro-Environment, Vegetation and Mycorrhizal Communities.

Objetivo general

Determine the impacts of Pinus contorta invasion on mycorrhizal communities and its implications for native flora.

Objetivos específicos

1.- Determine the impacts of Pinus contorta invasion in micro-environmental conditions (i.e. PAR intensity, temperature, litter depth) and available resources (i.e. soil humidity, nutrients) in isolated trees and in invaded stands. 2.- Determine the impacts of Pinus contorta invasion in diversity and abundance of native species in isolated trees and in invaded stands. 3.- Determine the impacts of Pinus contorta on the growth and reproduction of native species (i.e. shrub fruiting, tree seedling growth). 4.- Determine whether the intensity of Pinus contorta impacts is related to the structural differences between the invaded ecosystem and the invaded stand. 5.- Determine the persistence and legacy of Pinus contorta invasion impacts. 6.- Determine the influence of Pinus contorta density in the persistence and legacy of the invasion impacts. 7.- Determine changes in ectomycorrhizal communities (i.e. native vs. exotic spp) in areas invaded by pines. 8.- Determine if Pinus contorta and Nothofagus spp. are capable of establishing symbiosis with non-native mycorrhiza (i.e. not native from their native range).



Código: 1140485

Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos




Fecha inicio: 15/03/2014

Fecha término: 15/03/2018




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