To evaluate the effects of using soil with historical application of pesticides on the dissipation of diazinon, atrazine and carbendazim and on microbial communities and biological activity in biomix of biobeds.
1.- To evaluate the effects of repeated application of diazinon, atrazine and carbendazim on microbial communities and the biological activity in the biomix of biobeds. 2.- To evaluate the effects of the application of a pesticide mixture (diazinon, atrazine and carbendazim) on the microbial communities and the biological activity in the biobeds. 3.- To evaluate the effect of a mixture of pesticides on populations microbial and on the degradation of these, in the presence of oxychloride coppermade.
Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos
Fecha inicio: 01/10/2010
Fecha término: 30/09/2013
Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)
Año: 2010
Ejecutor: Universidad de la Frontera
Coordinador principal: Tortella Fuentes, Gonzalo Rodrigo
Región(es): Araucanía
Temas: Agroquímicos
Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Agrícola / General para Sector Agrícola / General para Subsector Agrícola
Especie(s): General para rubro General para Subsector Agrícola
Estado: Finiquitado
Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT