To compare the performance of the populations of aphids and parasitoids from apple and Pyracantha, on both host plants.
1.- To determine the specifíc status based onmorphological characters of the populations of aphids of the genus Eriosoma that use Malus domestica and Pyracantha cocinea as host plants. 2.- To evaluate the performance of the populations of aphids of the genus Eriosoma that use Malus domestica and Pyracantha cocinea on both host plants. 3.- To evaluate the performance of the populations of the parasitoid A. mali that attacks Eriosoma aphids on Malus domestica and Pyracantha cocinea on both host plant. 4.- To isolate microsatellite markers for A. mali and to determine their level of polymorphism. 5.- To deteniiine the genetic structure and gene flow of the populations of A. mali on Eriosoma aphids from P. coccinea and M. domestica. 6.- To determine the genetic structure and gene flow of the populations of A. mali in apple orchards of Central Chile and compare with the genetic structure of its aphid host.
Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos
Fecha inicio: 02/11/2008
Fecha término: 30/11/2010
Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)
Año: 2008
Ejecutor: Universidad de Talca, Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnología
Coordinador principal: Lavanderos Icaza, Blas Exequiel
Asociado(s): Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Avignon
Región(es): Maule
Temas: Biotecnología - Control biológico de plagas y enfermedades - Sanidad vegetal - Sustentabilidad
Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Agrícola / General para Sector Agrícola / General para Subsector Agrícola
Especie(s): s/i especie (General para Subsector Agrícola)
Estado: Finiquitado
Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDECYT