Develop a pilot hybrid microalgae culture system using wastewater to increase productivity and reduce the cost of biomass production with the purpose of developing microenterprises in coastal desert areas of the Atacama Desert.
1.- Develop a pilot hybrid culture system between two traditional cultures models in order to increase productivity and reduce biomass cost production in coastal desert areas. 2.- Incorporated the use of wastewater in the developed hybrid biomass culture system in order to reduce the costs of nutrient utilization and improve the quality of wastewater that will be incorporated into natural bodies water. 3.- Develop a comparative study of three microalgal strains previously selected for biomass production using wastewater in a new hybrid culture system that has been developed. 4.- Produce biomass with high protein and polyunsaturated fatty acid content in hybrid culture system to obtain premium biomasses which are not available in the market yet, for aquaculture and agriculture industry. 5.- Incorporate into the development of microenterprises the microalgae biomass production focused to different community stakeholders in Tocopilla province.
Base fuente: Base Nacional de Proyectos
Fecha inicio: 01/08/2015
Fecha término: 31/07/2017
Tipo instrumento: Proyecto (PYT)
Año: 2014
Ejecutor: Universidad de Antofagasta
Coordinador principal: Sepúlveda Vega, Claudia Andrea
Asociado(s): Desert Bioenergy S.A. - Desert Bioenergy S.A.
Región(es): Antofagasta
Temas: Manejo productivo
Sector-Subsector-Rubro: Otros productos (elaborados) / Biomasa / Biogás / General para Subsector Agrícola - Otros productos (elaborados) / Biomasa / Biogás / Microalgas (agua de mar) - Acuícola / Algas / Microalgas (agua de mar)
Especie(s): General para rubro Microalgas (agua de mar)
Estado: Finiquitado
Fuente de financiamiento: ANID (ex CONICYT) / FONDEF