Turquía: Volumen de exportaciones de avellanas descienden un 5,6% comparado a 2015/2016


Turkey earned around $1.88 billion by exporting more than 235,000 tons of hazelnuts in the last 12 months, the hazelnut exporters' association said on Sept. 5.

The 2016-2017 hazelnut export season ended as of Aug. 31, President of Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters' Association (KFMIB) Edip Sevinç told Anadolu Agency.

The volume of the export decreased by 5.6 percent and the value dropped by 17.4 percent from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017 compared to the previous season, he added.

Sevinç said most of the hazelnut exports were made to the EU countries as it was in the previous years. Turkey is the world's largest exporter of hazelnut.

Fuente: Chile Alimentos


Ver más sobre: Frutales de nuez (avellano europeo)





1er. Curso Avanzado de Avellano Europeo

Fecha: 05-mar-2024


Experiencia número 148: Resultados y lecciones en Mejoramiento de competitividad del cultivo de avellano europeo

Resultados y lecciones en Mejoramiento de competitividad del cultivo de avellano europeo

Fecha: 19-abr-2021