Technologies and Business Models for the Energy Challenges of the 21st Century

23-24 October 2017, Santiago (Chile). Centro de Innnovación UC Anacleto Angelini - Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, (Chile). Main and Excecutive Auditorium – 1st floor Centro de Innovación UC. Organiser: Centro de Innovación UC Anacleto Angelini in collaboration with CORFO, SOFOFA, Eurochile, Inria Chile and TECNALIA. Price: Free (registration required). Hashtag: #ELANnetworkCH

Chile and the world are in a process of significant and critical energy transformation. Renewable energies have new technological challenges for all market players and this is generating new opportunities that require comprehensive and interdisciplinary solutions to harness all available resources efficiently.

In order to achieve the goals stablished in the National Energy Policy we will address challenges such as:

Flexibility of electrical power systems, at central and distributed level.
Development of competitive energy storage systems that maximize the use of local resources.
Integration and use of enabling technologies to promote efficient energy consumption (IoT, Big Data, etc.)
Massive and low emission technologies to meet the population's heating needs.

The event will be coordinated with the Exhibition and Conference of Renewable Energies - ExpoERNC 2017 (24th-26th October), a great business opportunity for those companies of the renewable energy industry that want to invest in Chile.

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Ver más sobre: Metropolitana - Agroenergía