"aid","Título principal","Código FIA","Especie","Año","Fuente Financiamiento","Aporte Fondo","Aporte Contraparte","Monto Total","Ejecutor","Región","Rubro","Proyecto:Tipo Instrumento" "88250","Water-Free Spray-Drying: a Novel Strategy for the Microencapsulation of Fish Oil (Epa and Dha). Study of Microparticles Properties, Stability and Release Behaviour in Food Models.","1151224","Bacalao del Atlántico","2015","FONDECYT","152405000","0","152405000","Universidad de Chile","Metropolitana","Peces de agua de mar || Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "89445","Seleccion de Reproductores de Bacalao del Atlantico (Gadus Morhua) con una Amplia Diversidad Genetic a para Produccion Larvaria en Chile","AF10I1345","Bacalao del Atlántico","2014","FONDEF","137438000","34359500","171797500","Universidad de Chile","Metropolitana","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "89011","Variabilidad Espacio-Temporal de Factores que Modulan el Ciclo Reproductivo de Peces Pelagicos Pequeños a Lo Largo del Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Humboldt","3140148","Bacalao del Atlántico","2014","FONDECYT","70488000","0","70488000","Universidad de Concepción","Bío Bío","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "88207","Diversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Fish of Commercial Interest: Modulation of Host Gene Expression and Contribution to the Host Health Status.","1140734","Bacalao del Atlántico","2014","FONDECYT","170600000","0","170600000","Universidad de Chile","Metropolitana","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "88199","Harmonic Coefficients Forecasting of Non-Stationary Time Series to Support the Management of the Small Pelagic Fishing in Chile","1131105","Bacalao del Atlántico","2013","FONDECYT","17200000","0","17200000","Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso","Valparaíso","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "88066","Analysing the Effects of Fishing and the Environment on the Stock and Food Web Dynamics in Norhern, Central and Southern Chile","11110545","Bacalao del Atlántico","2011","FONDECYT","38955000","0","38955000","Universidad de Concepción","Bío Bío","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "88039","Monitoring Stress and Immune Response Induced in Fish by Aquaculture Contaminants","11090102","Bacalao del Atlántico","2009","FONDECYT","63017000","0","63017000","Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello","Valparaíso","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)" "88040","Local and Regional Variability in Body Size and Fecundity of Parasites in Marine Fish Species from Southeastern Pacific Coast: Correlated with Parasite Abundances?","11090149","Bacalao del Atlántico","2009","FONDECYT","46586000","0","46586000","Universidad de Antofagasta","Antofagasta","Peces de agua de mar","Proyecto (PYT)"